
Online Counseling: Accessing Support & Connection from Anywhere

Counseling services are provided through Zoom video conferencing or phone calls. This is a convenient and accessible option due to it’s:

  • Flexibility: Access therapy from the comfort of your home, workplace, or anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating logistical hurdles like travel time and childcare arrangements.
  • Wider reach: The ability to connect as clients travel.

What to expect:

  • Session format: Similar to in-person therapy, you’ll connect with me through secure video calls or phone calls.
  • Assessment and treatment: Your therapist will conduct an initial assessment and establish treatment goals, utilizing similar evidence-based approaches as in-person therapy.
  • Building rapport: While initially different, a strong therapeutic relationship can be built online through open communication and skilled facilitation by your therapist.

Sessions are 150 CHF each; I do not accept insurance.  Sessions last 50 minutes.